
“Over a hundred years of ministry”

Liebenzell Mission was brought about by a spiritual revival in Germany during the late 1890s. The organization traces its roots further back than that though to the China Inland Mission. Use the timeline below to explore some of Liebenzell’s history.

China Inland Mission
China Inland Mission Founded

Liebenzell Mission of Canada finds it roots with the China Inland Mission. This interdenominational mission founded by Hudson Taylor revolutionized modern day missions.

Liebenzell Founded
Liebenzell Mission is Born

Liebenzell was conceived during a time of spiritual revivial in Germany. Taking it's name from the town where it set up its headquarters.

Island Ministry
Birth of Liebenzell's Island Ministry

1914 marked the beginning of island missions for Liebenzell. The first missionaries reached many western pacific islands in Oceania and South East Asia.

Liebenzell Mission of Canada Founded
Liebenzell Mission of Canada Branches Out

In 1969 Liebenzell Mission of Canada formed its own cadet branch. Working closely with the other Liebenzell branches and different parachurch organizations

Liebenzell Mission of Canada Founded
Liebenzell Retreat Centre Built

The importance of a retreat centre as a place of spiritual renewal is recognized. The land is purchased marking a transformation in Liebenzell's ministry.

First Impact Team Trained
First Impact Team

Impact teams are trained and equipped at Liebenzell Mission of Canada facilities and then sent out on mission through our partner organizations such Intervarsity and Youth for Christ.