Get Involved

“Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”


Prayer is the beginning, middle, and end for all we do. Only through God’s presence and power will people’s lives be touched and transformed, influencing whole communities and nations. So we need you to pray! Use this link to find our current prayer requests and prayer guide!


Liebenzell Mission of Canada wants to invite you to participate in our ministry in a number of ways. Through aid in overseas mission and partnering with local ministries we have the facilities to equip you for going out and reaching others through God’s grace! Learn more here about opportunities and possibilities for getting connected into mission work within Canada and beyond!


Liebenzell Mission of Canada depends on donations in order to keep our programs running. We make every effort to keep administration costs as low as possible so that the majority of donations will go to our programs and projects. For more information on donations use this link.


We would love to keep you updated about all the happenings at Liebenzell Mission of Canada. to stay up to date you can visit our blog here